Saturday, February 17, 2007

Stop procrastinating, girl, and just DO it.

I've wanted to french braid my little gal's hair for so long, but every time I tried (and months went by between each attempt), it was a mess. So I'd just give up. Try once, then quit.

Well, this past week I decided that it was just ridiculous that I kept quitting. I wouldn't dare let my kids have that sort of attitude, so why was I letting myself get away with it? So I just jumped in one day. Oh my, Sunshine's hair was hilarious! But I didn't quit. The next day I fixed it again, and the next day and the next, and today (after a week of braiding her hair daily), her hair looks like a french braid! I'm so proud of myself.

Now, onto tackle the next thing at which I am no good, but wish I was... hand sewing. There is a cute little set of small quilt samplers you can make that someone sent me the link to. I could use them as pot holders.

And yes, I expect it to look absolutely horrendous. But hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? Besides, no one said you can't try and then burn all the evidence! LOL

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