Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another mess... or another memory?

Taking advantage of the break in winter weather, we went for a lovely walk today. During that walk, I was the kind of mom I always want to be: I let them play in the puddles. Oh, not just any puddles, either. Puddles so deep that the water went up over their shoes. Yes. That deep.

I can hear some of you gasping in horror. I know, I know - the laundry! The possible stains! The mess when we go back into the house! Their shoes will never be the same!

And that almost stopped me, too. But I did it anyway. You see, my natural reaction is to say, "Hey, stay out of the puddles. You'll get your clothes dirty." I don't relish the laundry mess or having to clean the floor again. But I do love those grins on their faces when they get to do something "forbidden" and messy.

Today I got to be the mom I really want to be. The Fun Mom. The Carefree Mom. And it felt great! I couldn't help but think what is the use of being kids if they can't do stuff like this? So I decided to look at it as another memory, not another mess. I'm pretty sure they do, too.

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