Monday, March 5, 2007

I'm not a "schedule" kind of gal

I tried over the first four years or so of childrearing to get myself into a schedule. You know, sit down, draw out the blocks of time, and then put assign tasks to each block? Well, I can tell you, I just can't do schedules. To me, a schedule creates an expectation. And then every single day, that expectation isn't met. Because a house full of little ones just doesn't fit neatly into boxes. At least not here in my house.

I've spent a lot of time feeling like that we should be running on a schedule, and since we weren't, it must have meant I just didn't have it together enough to do a schedule. Until the day it dawned upon my mind... I could still have an organized and smoothly running home with a routine.

Now, that routine has morphed over and over again, because we've added a couple babies, moved, started homeschooling... and each time things completely change. While I'm pregnant, life is in survival mode the entire 9 months. But we have a routine, even if it is bare bones. I know if I tried to keep up with a schedule then, I'd be having major expectations of myself that I just can't meet.

Right now our routine looks like this:
  • Mommy up (6 am) - dressed/eat, put in a load of laundry, tidy one room somewhere in the house, computer time
  • Kids up - eat/dress, make beds
  • Bible time (family devotions)
  • School for Sunshine and anyone else who feels like joining in.
  • Exercise (they play while I exercise, sometimes they join in)
  • Lunch, prep for dinner
  • Chores (like sweeping the kitchen floor, taking out trash, emtpying dishwasher, reloading it, tidying the kitchen or bedroom, etc)
  • Take a walk or do something outside if the weather permits
  • Rest time
  • Get dinner started (I try to have dinner ready to eat at 5:00, but sometimes I'm late)
  • Kids tidy up living room and we all fold laundry (yes, the two older girls really do fold laundry, and they do a great job, too!)
  • Half hour of tv while Mommy finishes up dinner
  • Eat
  • Start getting ready for the next day: laying out clothes, clean up the kitchen one last time, get the kids into pjs, brush teeth and braid Sunshine's hair (lessens tangles)
  • Play and read together until bedtime for kids
  • Once kids are down, I take the baby to my room and I do my own personal devotions. I try to be in bed by 9:30 these days. Baby still wakes in the middle of the night.

If you noticed, the baby isn't listed for where in the routine she nurses. I just work around her, so the kids get free time while we nurse. Sometimes we all pile on the couch, and I read to them while I nurse her. It all just depends on what I feel like that day. And bath days are a few nights a week, so we do that after dinner on those evenings.


Christi said...

Hi D... so glad to see you're blogging!

I've enjoyed reading your blog and being able to keep up with you and the littles.


Lily said...

Christi! It's great to see you! Thanks for sending me those cards! It really made my day each time, and then I smiled each time I saw the cards after that.

Christi said...

Oh sweetie, you're more than welcome. You know, that's just one of my "things".

Thinking of you often!

Pint-Size Princess said...

I'm much more of a routine person too. I just don't see how people can keep a schedule with a house full of littles, it certainly doesn't work for me!