Monday, April 30, 2007

Leap Frog... played solo?

I kept hearing Sunshine thumping in the hallway, so I asked her what she was doing.

"Playing Leap Frog!"

This I had to see. She was alone. How do you play it alone? Well, I'll tell ya. With a rock. LOL, yup. A rock.

She was laying the rock on the floor, leap frogging over it, then pretending it was jumping over her (she didn't just move the rock, it actually had to go up in the air over her body). Then she'd repeat. And when she got down to the end of the hallway, she yelled, "I WON!"

What a goof.

1 comment:

Military Mommy said...

Oh my goodness. That is too cute.

She gets an A++++ for being creative! ;)
