Monday, July 2, 2007

Friendly customer relations

Don't you just love it when a company goes the extra mile to be friendly and personable? It makes you feel so much less like just another number or another dollar sign, doesn't it? Takes you back to the good ol' days when people not only did business together, but also took care of each other. Ahhhh, the good ol' days.

But sometimes, you can try too hard. Like when I received this in the mail today...

"Welcome to your monthly mortgage statement."

Hmmm, if that were in a list of top ten least-likely-events-to-welcome-someone-to (this being number 10), what else would be in there?

9 Welcome to going to the prom with your first cousin.
8. Welcome to your first eye-gouging.
7. Welcome to totalling your car.
6. Welcome to stretch marks.
5. Welcome to identity theft.
4. Welcome to losing the superbowl. (Not a sports fan, but I hear that's awful.)
3. Welcome to bankruptcy.
2. Welcome to gray hair.
1. Welcome to root canals.

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