She also experienced her first fireworks display. She sat on Grandpa's lap and STARED. She occasionally clapped and shrieked in delight. Very.cute. Boy, did it bring back memories of last year's experience at the fireworks show. I was doing my best impression of a hippo. I'm short - between 5'3" and 5'4", carrying my babies straight out front. People stared at me as I'd work my way up and down the concrete steps. The next day she was born, weighing 10 pounds, 10 ounces. See what I mean when I say hippo impression?
As if a birthday and your first fireworks weren't enough, she also started giving us kisses, saying "uh oh" and cut her 6th tooth. Oh yeah, and walking more and more. The week before, her walking to crawling ratio was probably 50:50. This week, we're looking at 75:25.
Dad affectionately calls her "Sookie," which you Gilmore Girl fans will recognize instantly. He says it in this special tone of voice that makes her grin. And although we hadn't seen my parents in about two weeks which made her look at him like... "I think I know you," she instantly threw herself at him when he did the "Sookie" thing. You could just see her little light bulb turn on.
And here I will leave you with a picture of Grandpa (my dad) and his "Sookie."
Such a great post!!
I can't believe she is one!! Time is going by too fast!! Poor Lucas is cutting 4 molars right now and he isn't happy about it at all!
Oh wow. I absolutely can't believe she's already one!
She did have a busy week, didn't she? They grow up too fast...
wow pics finally and I love them! I haven't seen sookie in quite sometime for recent photos...she is getting sooo big!
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