Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ahhh, the power of love and chocolate

For the past 2 or 3 days, I've not quite been myself. I've been really on edge with the kids, been having to force myself to talk, and very, very restless.

Hubby has commented several times about how "odd" I've been, and am I depressed? Nope, just in some kind of weird funk. A funk that I'd really like to get out of.

So tonight, after a few days of this, he was giving little affectionate touches as he'd walk past - a squeeze on the shoulder, a quick rub of the back, etc. Then he later put the kids in front of a Veggie Tales video and gave me some real 1:1 quality time as only a hubby can do. And then - he bought me some chocolate chip cookies.

And I tell you, after our quality time, I did feel a bit better. The funk started to lift, but would hit in waves. Very odd. I'm so weird! But then - about a half hour after the chocolate, wow, was the funk GONE.

I told dh that it is amazing what a little lovin' from the hubs and chocolate will do for a girl! And a little thought occurred to me... I'm due for my period in the next few days. So THAT'S what's wrong with me and why those things helped!

Sometimes, being a girl is just so... (what would you put in this blank?)


Melissa said...

So talking to me for over an hour wasn't enough for you!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, being a girl is so.....EXHAUSTING! :)

Lily said...

LOL, Mel. You are always good for me, but I fear no one person is a match for pms!

MrsRoyer... yes. Exhaus...*snore* (wink)