Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sniff... I'll miss you, dear friend!

If you see me hugging the TVs at the nearest electronics store, don't be surprised.

Hubby decided that we are not going to get the cable hooked up at the new house. I haven't told the kids yet, lol. I'm having enough struggles at the thought myself!! How will I get fresh ideas for decorating my new abode if I can't watch those decorating and decluttering shows? *insert ringing of the hands and loud wailing*

Seriously, I have my shows I will greatly miss. (At least Gilmore Girls had their series finale before we cut the tv off!) And it will be requiring some creativity on my part, as now I sometimes use the tv to distract the kids while I do a chore they cannot be a part of. Or if I need to doze on the couch for an hour. Or if I need a shower. LOL

On the flip side, I won't have tv tempting me away from those other projects that I've wanted to do for awhile. Or needed to do, lol.

So I've included a haiku entitled, "Farewell, Boob Tube." Enjoy.

Farewell, Boob Tube.

How I will miss you,
Little box of phosphorus.
Say hi to tivo.


Candi said...

Lily, you crack me up!

Seriously, let me know if you want me to record a few shows for the kids. That way you can pop them in the dvd player when you seriously need a shower...LOL!

I recorded a dvd of some of Logan's favorite PBS shows and cut out the great!!

Military Mommy said...

I love me some haiku.

Yours.was.awesome. :)

Sorry about the tv, but I really do think you will get alot done. The two shows I was committed to ended recently and I have read 2 (long) books in the past 2 weeks. I feels smarter already! :)

Lily said...

LOL, Candi! I think I'll take you up on that sometime! A person has to have some emergency reserves, right? For those Calgon moments? (wink)

Michelle - that's cool, especially considering you're already a pretty doggone smart lady. :)