Monday, December 18, 2006

Lots of bits running about in my brain

Let's see...

Got 4 packages in the mail today from my mother-in-law. Now, I'm wondering how will we do Christmas in regards to that? Living here with my parents raises some interesting questions. I never know what will step on a grandparent's toes, you know? Do we have the kids open presents from MIL at the same time as the rest of the gifts? Or do we do it separately, just dh/myself/and the kids? Hmmm, something to ponder. And to ask dh about.

Oh! I'm so excited! I lost more weight than I thought with Shortcake's birth! I'm now down between two numbers - what I weighed when I got pg with Sunshine and what I weighed when I got pg with Sugar-n-Spice. YIPPEE!! And the fact that she is 5 months old and I still am keeping it off... THAT thrills me! (Thank you, Father, for the self-control to not eat all I have wanted to eat!)

I want to start a prayer journal, but am unsure how to set it up. I want to leave room for updates and answers to prayer. Hmmm, ideas, anyone?

Well, now, I know I had more running around in there, but it must have gotten lost. Please tell me I can blame this on Mommy Brain? (wink)

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