Monday, December 18, 2006

"And if that had been too little"

This phrase comes out of 2 Samuel 12:8. Nathan has brought rebuke to David from the Lord. God's words to David are, "And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things."

Last night, while I was having my personal time with the Lord, I read this verse and was convicted immediately. One word leaped to my mind - it was a woman's name. I won't say this woman's name, because she is a friend in cyberspace, and perhaps she may read this post. But she is a woman who seems to have it alllll together. I *know* that things cannot be perfect in her life. There has to be problems somewhere. But going by appearances, she is supermom and her marriage is bliss. Sigh. I look around at my life, and I feel so pathetic after hearing about the latest thing in her life. Her kids are always spic-n-span (she has more children than I do), her house is always spotless, and she just has it all together.

Ok, so see where I'm going with this? I have been struggling with being jealous. Now, before you assume that means I don't like her, that is NOT true. I enjoy her a lot. We can chat and giggle. I enjoy her company. I am not saying I want her to not have those things she has. Please don't think that! But I struggle with thinking stuff like, "Boy, THAT must be nice." It leads to discontentment in my heart and a critical spirit.

Then last night... I was reading and that phrase "and if that had been too little" jumped out at me, and her name came to mind. I stopped right there and had to ask forgiveness!

And so, right now, I want to give God praise for all the wonderful things He has given me, for what I have is NOT too little. It is more than I deserve!!!

1) Christ lives in my heart, and I have a secure heavenly home waiting for me!
2) God loves ME. Right where I am, which has obviously been at the bottom of the Poor-Pitiful-Me barrel.
3) I have a husband. I have someone to share my life with... I have a husband. That is a wonderful thing!
4) I have a husband who is a good provider. He works hard at whatever job he is given, and over the years, he has been rewarded well for it.
5) I have 4 children - and I would NOT trade them for the WORLD. They are wonderful kids who love their mommy. Each has their own hilarious and fun personality, and they bring me so much joy!
6) I have a warm place to live! My parents are kind enough to let us live with them while my husband is away. They've rearranged their own things so we can have some of ours here. I have my own room with the baby, and plenty of room for my clothes.
7) I have more than enough food to prepare for our family of 7 (myself, the kids and my two parents).
8) The kids have warm and attractive clothing and good shoes on their feet. There are people in this world who cannot say that.
9) Through the trials of the last few years, I have grown to love my heavenly Father much more than I did before. I know I can trust Him with my family, my marriage, and my future. I know I can trust Him to meet my needs.
10) We had the means to get nice Christmas gifts for all the people we love!
11) I have a reliable vehicle that is roomy enough for all of us!
12) Everyone is doing well physically! The kids are growing well and are happy.
13) Sunshine is learning to read! That is so great to watch!

The fact of the matter is, this cyber friend only shows what she wants the rest of us to see. I forget that rather often. And even if her life was perfect, then I ought to ONLY rejoice with her.

And, there is something that I tell my kids often. If you can't be thankful for what you have, then it will be taken away. Perhaps I should heed my own advice.


Christ in the Chaos said...

Hi Lily,
I know so many people who I just think have it all together all the time. I was just accused of being one of those people by an anonymous commenter on my blog and I had to laugh. My husband laughed too. You are so right that many times we only show the good stuff about our lives instead of being transparent. I think that a woman who is transparent is a blessing to me because she makes me feel that I am not the only one who messes up every day. I have been deeply blessed by women who have shared their struggles as well as their victories. We should not strive for perfection but for excellence. Excellence in our obedience to the Lord and not to the world.

Have a wonderful day!

p.s. I noticed that I was on your blog role. Can I add you to my M.O.L.(Mothers of Littles) list?

Anonymous said...

Kimm, hello! Imagine my surprise that you found my blog, when I read yours! I love your site, btw. I laughed and laughed as I read through your archives. You've got a great sense of humor. :) And yes, you may put me on your MOL list. Wow, I feel famous! ;) LOL

Thanks for the encouraging word!

Pint-Size Princess said...

Thank you so much for htis post!! Exactly what I needed. I've been feeling so down lately about circumstances, when I should be thankful things are going as well as they are!! I need to put that quote on my bathroom wall (where all the really useful quotes are :) )