Monday, January 15, 2007

Some praise for Sugar-n-Spice

I'll be honest. She is my difficult kid, so far. She is stubborn, wants it her way or nothing, and she is not easily deterred. Consequences of any sort send her into major anger.

But last week, she was wonderful. Truly wonderful. When I said it was time to clean up toys, she didn't even pause. She immediately stopped what she was doing and began cleaning up! She didn't ask what particular group of toys was her job; she just began on her own. In other things around the house, she didn't argue or try to hide. She just obeyed.

I am so proud of her! We bragged to Daddy on the phone, gave lots of extra praise and rewards, and even let her have a special treat last night before bed that no one else got to have. She beamed! I love seeing her pride in her own accomplishment!

Oh, and something else! We've been struggling with her going backwards in toilet issues. She just stopped caring and was pottying in her underwear multiple times a day, rarely making it to the toilet at all. I was doing so much laundry! Underwear was hard to find. I even got so fed up that I put her back in diapers, at age 3! But I changed my mind because I knew, that with her personality, she would not want to get out of them. So we went back to underwear again very quickly... and last week was a good week in that area, too. No accidents, no extra laundry!

Way to go, girlie! Mommy is proud of you!

1 comment:

Christ in the Chaos said...

She sounds a bit like one of mine. Our #1 rule around here is- You must obey quickly, quietly and cheerfully or there will be consequences. I find that if I hold them to this standard then everything else falls in to place.

I'm sorry for your illness. I'm gald it is short lived.

Love in Christ,